Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Whole Whack of Stuff

Here's what's up at the moment, at least in my life. If you want an update from Jubee, you'll have to get it yourself, 'cause she apparently doesn't wanna write any of this blog.

Today is my last day of my first 3 week prac. SHIT THAT FLEW BY! We're having a pizza party at lunch and then some of the teachers are taking Aaron (maybe just me as he may not be able to make it) and I out for a drink afterwards! This 3 weeks have been amazing. I mean I was nervous going in because it was going to be THE tell tale of whether or not I'll like this teaching gig. I mean Uni is Uni, classes are classes, regardless of the subject I typically enjoy it, just learning and such, but this was different. Prac is what teaching is, you're in there, teaching and learning hands on, full-on. I had no clue what it was going to be like from a teacher's perspective as I had not stepped foot in a classroom back home to even try it, or see what it's like at all. Well lets just say I lucked out because I'm LOVING this. I actually don't really even want to go back to Uni, I'd rather just do more in class stuff. Maybe I lucked out but I love my school, my teacher is awesome and the students are a good mix of behaviours and learning abilities. So it's been challenging, but really rewarding and I've realized that THIS is the route for me! Imagine, me as a school teacher! Hahaha

Second item is, after school and after drinks (I'll probably just have water) I've got to go pick up the rental car for this weekend from Hertz. I'll swing by there (it's about a 4 minute walk from home) pick it up and come home. I'm hoping to pass out by like 6PMish, and be up again around 12:30 - 1AM. We'll pack the car up this afternoon and we're heading out at 2AM. This is for a few reasons. I want to mazimize the amount of Saturday time we have at IM Port Mac to check it all out. See the bike check-in (I'm getting goosebumps, I love this stuff!), check out the expo for deals on shoes (both of us need a pair) and a few other things for Julia and MAYBE look at trainers for the bike, if there are even some there. This way we also don't have to pay another $30 each for the hostel for tonight AND I don't have to deal with a lot of traffic on the highways and in towns. Wicked funn man! Hopefully SOMEONE stays awake with me. :) I'm excited to volunteer on Sunday as well, that should be fun! I get a free t-shirt and a close-up experience!

THIIIIIRDLY. I applied at 5 places earlier this week and I got a response (sort of) from one of them. The guy emailed me and in the subject heading was his name, his phone number and "part-time work". So I called him up right away and he answered and told me he'd call me back as he was on the other line. That didn't happen. True enough it was like 5:30PM when I called him but I was kinda sitting around waiting for a phone call back. HOPEFULLY he calls me today and we can set up an interview or something! It's at a shoe/sports apparrel store RIGHT around the corner from us. Literally like 2.5 blocks, ~5 minute walk from our place. How sick would THAT be? Plus they've got all the good stuff in there, which I MAY be able to get deals on as an employee. But lets not count any chickens before they hatch right? I've definitely got to follow up on this one! And I'll keep ya'llllll posted.

Fourthly. Bali is getting planned! Tunes is doing TONS of research and finding good places to see and ideas of stuff to see and do. She's even set-up a tentative JAM PACKED itinerary. We may not be able to see it all, but we're going to use it as a rough guide of the MAIN places we'd like to go. Kuta, Ubud, Lovina and one of the islands off the South East coast. I can't wait! Thanks for the tips mom and dad and I think we're good to go with all that stuff. I look forward to haggling with the locals for cheap stuff... even though I'll still be the one getting ripped off.

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