Thursday, August 13, 2009

No title

Don't want to invest the time or mental fortitude in thinking for a creative title for this blog entry, both are too precious at the moment.

Random updates and thoughts:

- School is going well, really busy, but I'm totally on top of things, just barely being able to balance everything, but at least I don't feel as though I SHOULD be or COULD be doing more.

- I'm gaining more and more of a passion for wanting to do something like Ray or Paul, THAT'S the way to inspire kids, not rhough random run of the mill classroom stuff.

- My swimming is going AWESOME! I swam 4 times this week! About 4:10 total! And today I did the same workout on Monday, though it took me 3 minutes less time to complete! That's progress right? Maybe after this Sunday I won't be able to do much BUT swim... might as well keep a godo thing goin'. I'm startin' to feel real confident about Ironman this year, should be fast!

- My run this weekend. It's growing. I'm not sure what from, but people are talking about it. Kinda weird, kinda neat. People I dont' know are asking Jared about it, and more people want to somehow be a part of it. Michelle Mjovsky and Katrina are going to meet me in Bulli and run the last 14 - 15k with me, and Derek will meet us somewhere along the way as well. We'll hafta see about logistics. Then last night we were over at the Erins' place for Michelle (Ellis') birthday dinner and they were saying they're gonna get like a finish line tape thing and call the local media and all this jazz. Not sure if I want that kind of attention. I do think it's kinda neat that people are interested in and think it's nuts, THAT'S the reaction I'm looking for :) but I don't need any attention on that scale. I really hope there's not much there at the "finish line" as I probably won't be in a terribly social kinda mood. :) Anyways, I'm REALLY excited about all of this! Can't wait to get out there and test myself, haven't had an opportunity in a while to really see what I'm made of. Almost one year since Ironman Canada. I'm also going to see if I can get Lee to post some updates of my progress as I truck along. Maybe get Julia to call or text her and she can post on facebook every 10k or so. We'll see.

OK, back to school work!


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