Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another Entry, Another Title

I wonder what will come of all these blog entries. I mean, will we actually read them all, or will it all just end up in a heap somewhere, never to be looked at again? Interesting. Regardless, I've enjoyed writing them to date, it's definitely been one constant all year long!

Today it's crap out, weather wise. Rainy all day. I did a wicked hour and a half on the trainer this morning. REAL hard. 20 minute warm-up, then an hour at ~38km/h! Overall average was 36.3km/hr! Woot woot! The power is there. The taper is on folks!

Jubee worked today. 5 horus @ ~$44/hr! Gotta love public holidays here! she's napping now and then the three musketeers are going to go for a walk. ONE MORE TIIIIIIME!

I got some homework done today. For PDHPE class we have to write up a unit plan. I'm doing one on nutrition! Gonna be for year 5. So far my activities include a crossword (which I made) a nutrition based scategories game (which I made) an advertisement for a healthy food item that they choose, where they have to convince us to buy it, some internet games that I found, a cooking lesson (still in the works) and a diet journal (5 day, that we will analyse).


It's on! 9 weeks to go. I have my week by week training schedule up on the wall. 9 weeks! I can't wait!

Had a good/quick skype with mom and dad this morning also! Saw Lucas too which is always great! Can't wait to get home and see Sierra!

We have enough airmiles to fly to Vancouver return in low or high season for one of us. 1700 more and we can both go in low season. :) We'll get there in a year or so! We were also thinking Newfoundland though. not sure yet. :) I know I know, we need to get home and start paying off debt, don't worry, the priorities are in check.

Ok that's it.

Oh yeah, maybe skype Ray tonight.

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