Thursday, February 19, 2009

Doing Me Proud!

So yesterday I was bored and checking out my race stuff and setting up my training program for the Gold Coast Marathon. I saw that it had me racing a HALF marathon on May 17th. This is common for marathon traiing programs as it is a good gauge of how your training and fitness is coming along. I searched for one on that date and found a nice little event in Canberra, which is only 3 hours away by car and the race itself was only $35. So then I told lil Tunes about it. It's cool that I'm/we're doing all these little races as it gives a chance to see all these other towns that we won't get to see on our big main vacation. So out of the blue I was like "Why don't you race this one too? Why wait to run a half marathon until July, you can do it now, you know you can." And she can, plus it's not til May! "And then you can run your first FULL marathon at the Gold Coast Marathon in July! Think about, let me know." She thought for about 8 seconds and said "Ok, I'll do it." I've never been more excited! She's not only going to run her first half in a few months, but her first full in about 4.5 months! I'm so excited for this. We both start our formal training on the 16th of March, the Monday after the sixfoot marathon. Not sure if I'LL be starting that day, we'll see how I feel, but SHE certainly is!

She said to me yesterday that she wanted to go for a long run, and have me go with her, at her pace. So today we're going to go run 16km along the coast cycleway. That will take us a good ways out and back, I did 18k along there yesterday and really enjoy the route. Out and back you can get in around 30km total I think, so I've got a lot to discover out there! Tomorrow I run 38km, so that oughta take care of it. :)

My little Tuna, and the reason I found running in the first place, is going to run a marathon this year! I'm so proud. :)

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