Wednesday, February 25, 2009

March 14

We were discussing how long we've already been here, feels like it's gone by so fast! We were trying to think back to a year, feels a long time ago. Closest thing I could remember was March 14th, Dine for Diabetes.

March 14th: Last year, Dine for Diabetes, this year Sixfoot Track Marathon, ALWAYS dad's bday. :)

PS - Mom and dad, I've been in the pool Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday so far this week. I'm going back tomorrow! I did 37 minutes (1500m), 50 minutes (2000m) and 52 minutes (2100)


Surfing this weekend. Next weekend nothing. Weekend after that Sixfoot Marathon! Weekend after THAT National Swimming Championships (@ the National Olympic Aquatic Center (2000 Olympics)) Weekend after THAT, nothing. Weekend AFTER THAT, Ironman Australia @ Port MacQuarie with Jared and Katie and Julia (and probably meet up with Patrick)

Feb 28/Mar 1: Surf Trip (Which Jared won the draw to win his money back! Lucky dog)
March 7/8: Nadda
March 14/15: Sixfoot Track Marathon and Jenolan Caves/Blue Mountains trip
Mach 21: National Swimming Championships
March 28/29: Nadda
April 4/5: Ironman Australia!

Booyah! And I'm joining the Kembla Joggers tomorrow. A local running club. I hope to get some structured training in. They meet formally with coaches twice a week, once at Beaton Park for running on the track (drills and such) and once at Stuart park for more corss country type running. It'll be good to get some feedback and perspectives from pro coaches and meet really fast runners. Last year's winner of sixfoot was a Kembla Jogger! BOOYAH. All towards the goal of a BQ @ Boston. :)

What else?
Oh yeah, first assignment got back today, 17/30. Ya, sounds bad. I haven't heard ANYTHING better though. Oh wait, one, 23/30. I heard LOTS (4 - 5) 15s a couple of 16s and one other 17. Wow, we either SUCK or they mark HARD. It was a group assignment (pairs) so those marks reflect twice as many people's work, if ya know what I mean. Ah well, can only get better I guess.

Tunes has had a little cough/head cold lately but I think she's getting over it. She used my nasal spray and said it's helping. She's excited to get into training and I know she'll do awesome. I think she'll actually join the KJs also. There's lots of shorter events that we can participate in for free also.

Our washing machine is busted, has been for almost a week. Laundry is piling up, and smelling awful, and I'm outta undies (well tunes cleaned one pair by hand) :) A guy came in today and looked at it and knows HOW to fix it but needs to write up an invoice and get the part he needs. Probably not til next week. Laundromat tomorrow. We also got a bigger fridge today, well sorta. Lee bought it ($300 and we can sell it back to them later) but it wasn't delivered.

Ok that's it.

Word to your mother.

PS - A period as in "." that ends a sentence? Ya that's called a "full stop" here... wtf? weird.

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