Tuesday, June 30, 2009


And we're OFF! ALMOST!

It's 3:40AM, Canada Day. We've been up since 3 as we have to catch our train at 4:30AM to head to the airport this morning to catch our 8:30 flight to the Gold Coast! We arrive there at 10:00AM and then HOPEFULLY can catch a buss at 10:42AM to take us to our hotel, another hour or so. Today will just be a chill out day, get some groceries, get settled and organized for the week and do a little sightseeing in the immediate vicinity.

Tomorrow we're going to the expo! That's where the real race excitement begins! The atmosphere will be incredible! I can't wait!

Anyways, I don't really have a ton of time to type up some stuff here but we're both pumped to get goin' and we're surely going to take about 800 pictures!

We're both excited to race. I'm prettttttty confident about my 3:10 goal this year and Julia is confident to go under 4 hours for her first marathon! Despite her knee being a liiiiiiittle wonky still. I can't wait to finish, run and get the camera and capture her finishing. I looked at the course on satelite view in google, looks amazing. check it out!

OK, well I guess I'll try and hand-write (so old school! :p) some blogs over the next coupla days and type 'em up when we get home. I wish I could bring the comp but there is NO room. I'm wearing 4 tshirts, shorts AND pants and two pairs of socks, just to save room. We only have carry-on, it's cheaper that way. :)


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